
A week of activities is taking place in Little France Park from 17 – 21 June to celebrate its value for wildlife and collect new biological records.There are a number of events that local residents, workers and organisations can get involved in, as well as activities with local schools and specialist groups.

Information gathered during the wildlife surveys will contribute to a report demonstrating the importance of Little France Park for biodiversity.

Grayling butterfly © Jim Asher
Grayling butterfly © Jim Asher

Public events

Mon 17 June, 10 am Bryophytes and lichens survey, led by Neil Bell

Wed 19 June, 1:30 pm Butterfly transect & ID workshop, led by Butterfly Conservation Scotland

Thurs 20 June, 11 am Bird walk, led by City of Edinburgh Council

Fri 21 June, 12:00 noon Beewalk identification and survey, led by Bumblebee Conservation Trust

Meeting point for all of these events is the gated entrance on the cycleway (South) at Little France Drive, EH16 4UU. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
